Always the first with new, official samsung firmware. read first we recommend using samsung’s own utilities, samsung smart switch and ota (over-the-air), to upgrade devices. use sammobile only if you are 100% sure about the risks involved in flashing your device.. Get the latest owner's manuals, firmware and software updates for you samsung devices in one easy-to-navigate location: the samsung download center. downloads. get the latest drivers, manuals, firmware and software.. Samsung galaxy s3 users are waiting for a very long time for the much awaited android 4.3 jelly bean update. but apart from some rumors and carrier based updates nothing really happened. so this is a treat from us for our belowed readers, the official android 4.3 for jelly bean update for galaxy s3 users..
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In this website ( we have managed to share the original samsung stock rom (firmware) for all the available samsung devices. we will give you a tutorial on how to update the firmware of. Download kies for windows to connect your samsung mobile phone to your pc. easily synchronise data between devices and find new apps. download kies for windows to connect your samsung mobile phone to your pc. easily synchronise data between devices and find new apps. you will be automatically notified of any updates to your device firmware. Samsung has been rolling out the official android 4.1.1 jelly bean update for the galaxy s3 since the last month. the new firmware has already hit korea, poland, selected european countries, india and a few u.s. carriers..
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